VSK Project - Vijana Sote Kazini
VSK proposes a future solution for the youth and women of Goma:

The project has already developed a school apiary with 80 hives. Around this apiary, it is planned to plant trees and fruit plants with a preference for melliferous species such as sunflowers and leguminous plants that promote soil fertility. These plantings are placed on the contour lines to prevent soil erosion during heavy rains. The development plan also includes other species such as lemon trees, grafted orange trees, avocado trees, mango trees and banana trees...
This project will not only allow for the harvesting of fruit, fertilization of the fields and the harvesting of honey, but will also contribute to the mitigation of the effects of climate change while training young people in agroecological techniques, thus allowing them to learn strong values and offering them access to a future profession. In 2021, Kivu travel supported the VSK project by improving the visibility of its site through the creation of didactic panels and signage.

Kivu travel supported the VSK project in 2021, in particular by improving visibility on its site by creating educational panels and signage.